Landscape conservation support plan (LBP)
The landscape conservation support plan (in German “LandschaftspflegerischerBegleitplan”/LBP) is a planning instrument in the intervention regulation, which is used to assess interventions in the ecosystem and identify measures to prevent and compensate for these interventions. It is legally required in accordance with § 17, Absatz 4 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG) and becomes legally binding as part of the planning documents in the licensing procedure (e. g. UVS) when the planning approval is issued.
At the LBP, we develop mitigation measures, compensatory measures and replacement measures that contribute to offsetting the impact on the natural balance resulting from the planned project (such as soil mining projects and agricultural construction projects in outdoor areas).
The impact assessment is performed according to the standards and guidelines, which are agreed with the licensing authorities.
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