Environmental Impact Assessment Act
The Environmental Impact Assessment Act (EIA; in German “Umweltverträglichkeitsgesetz”/UVPG) stipulates whether and when a project is to be subjected to an environmental impact assessment. On 15 February 2017, the Federal cabinet adopted the draft on the modernization of the law on environmental impact assessment, which implements European requirements in German law. With its publication in the Federal law gazette, the amendment has been legally binding since 28 July 2017. In the preliminary environmental impact assessment, the authorities first clarify whether an environmental impact assessment in accordance with § 5 UVPG is mandatory for a project.
The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) serves to protect people and the environment from significant adverse effects. In the course of the transparent public participation in the decision-making process for the approval procedure, it contributes to a better acceptance of the projects.
By intensive coordination with clients, technical planners, experts, licensing authorities and other competent authorities and stakeholders, the significant effects on the protected species and biotopes, soil, water, climate/air, cultural and material assets are recognized as early as possible in the planning process and the plans are developed into an approved form.
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