Ecological reports - FLORA
We work out nature conservation assessments, development plans and concepts for regeneration:
- Development of conservation targets and overall concepts
- Preparation and design of maintenance and development measures
- Planning, control and steering of measures for the creation and optimization of biotopes
- Regeneration and renaturation planning
- Planning of compensation and replacement measures
- Public relations, visitor guidance, design of information panels
We work out the basics for the planning with the help of vegetation mapping:
Vegetation ecology
- Biotope types/ biotopes worthy of protection/ NATURA 2000 - habitat types are surveyed on the basis of current, state-owned mapping keys
Flora inventory
- Flora mapping/ complete species lists / red list species and floristic specialities
- Recording of moss and lichen inventory / macrophytes (incl. Charophyceae)
Phytosociological mapping/ vegetation mapping
- Vegetation mapping/ phytosociological mapping (including recording of regional plant communities and vegetation formations, endangered plant communities)
- Vegetation surveys, e.g. in accordance with BRAUN-BLANQUET, and preparation of phytosociological tables
- Regional mapping
Long-term analysis / monitoring
- Transect analyses
- Setting up of permanent monitoring areas
Egological Reports -Fauna (animal ecology)
The mapping of habitats and organisms is fundamental to condition assessments, functional correlations and development prognoses as well as for the assessment of potential spatial planning, since animals are often in competition with planning processes due to the specific conditions they place in their habitat. Well-founded systematic surveys in compliance with methodological standards provide a problem-specific and meaningful database and ensure the implementation of nature conservation objectives.
The faunistic mapping is used in expert contributions to landscape planning assessments such as e. g.
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA),
- Compatibility studies for NATURA 2000 areas
- Expertise on species conservation law
- Nature conservation concepts
In addition, we offer you ecological construction support, as well as control and management of biotope optimizing measures within the framework of monitoring.
For further information in English about our fields of work and our company don´t hesitate to contact us.