Species Conservation Assessment
With the Habitats Directive (Natura 2000) and the Birds Directive (SPA), the European Union has created instruments to preserve and promote biological diversity in Europe, which are to be examined in accordance with § 44 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG).
For this reason, a Species Conservation Assessment (in German “Artenschutzprüfung / ASP”) must be carried out for planning and approval procedures. This represents a separate technical contribution, in which a spectrum of species and habitats that has been clearly defined in nature conservation terms is subjected to a special testing program in addition to the general intervention regulations. Essentially, it is concerned with the avoidance of killings, disturbances and the protection of breeding and resting places of selected species.
In addition to the country-specific guidelines for processing expert contributions on species protection law, we also take into account recognized aids and guidelines and use scientific methodological standards to produce legally compliant procedural documents. The statements of the Species Conservation Assessment are to be taken into account in expert reports such as the Landscape Conservation Plan (in German “LandschaftspflegerischerBegleitplan” / LBP) and the Environmental Impact Assessment (in German “Umweltverträglichkeitsstudie”/UVS).
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